
Friday, July 15, 2011

Life Changes

Yes, there are so many things I want to blab about me and what's going on inside and out of myself.
  • My body aches here and there. My tailbone hurts very often.
  • My shins are tired from runniing but I want to run as much as I can to prepare for some Triathlon.
  • I get tired so often these past few weeks.
  • My period hasn't come as I have passed the one month mark. ( a little over a week lapsed)
  • I have been disturbed during my sleep with warmth heat coming out of my body lasts for 2 minutes or less then I get sort of chill.
  • I am sometimes irrirated by being asked.." what do you want for dinner".
  • I don't like to be ask ...what are you going to do today? are you going to the gym today? did you eat? what did you eat? are you going to take shower??/ darn it!! I have so many issues lately I realized.
  • I don't apologized easily. I been like this for a long time though.
  • I don't want to talk to people unless I want and need to.
  • I want to throw stuff I don't use everyday. husband thinks I'm nuts.
  • Hollycow, I even deactivate my facebook accounts.. yes, accounts I said.
  • I haven't done my swimming lesson..husband getting on my nervves about this. No, I won't make it to the triathlon in September in OC..
  • I seem to not have enough room to listen to husband's complaints about people in general. but then again, here I am complaining. I don't undertand myself anymore..
  • I suppose to call and make appointment to my doctor for evaluation why I'm like this.
  • I do not want to have another child at this age..47 in another month.
  • I'm tired supporting my family in the Philippines.
  • I hate to think I have to see a doctor..that eventually I will have too.
  • Motorcyles are collecting dust and cobwebs, big time. husband mentioned that if it's not being used might as well sell them, and I said nothing!! that wasn't my idea to start with.
  • I hate cleaning the house, but that's my job!! I don't get payed but get to have shelter, food and other suriviving supplies.
  • I thought my girlfriend has tons of issues but I think I have more than her..ha! girlfriend if  you read this don't call me to laugh at me okay..LOL.. but I'm pretty sure we will laugh together with our issues..LOL..
  • I felt like I want to scream for no reason! now after writing this down, it made me think I am really out of myself.
Yes, I noticed a whole lot is changing within myself. Perhaps based from reading some information on the internet, I may be going through pre-menepausal stage.!! ha!! I will be seing my guy doctor to tell me " you are getting old".. yes, I am prepared to hear that but for the meantime, I want to be not talk to..yeah!

PS. I couldn't resist not looking into FB.. Dang!!


Judie Hudson said...

I think I agree with your diagnosis!! Sounds like me a couple (well, more than a couple) years ago. Not fun, but we will get thru it. Keep my 'fingers crossed ' for you...

Fe said...

Thanks Judie for very comforting note. At least I have one person on my side..LOL..